Top (Seven) Favorite Books from the Fantasy Genre

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

This week’s topic is: Top (Seven) Favorite Books from the Fantasy Genre

I was always one that was scared of fantasy because apparently I thought it was too complicated and something I wouldn’t enjoy but honestly, I’ve really really really enjoyed most of the fantasy books I’ve picked up so…without further ado!

The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh

This book is my favorite of all time as of right now. I’m Egyptian and reading something that’s been inspired by A Thousand of One Nights felt so magical and familiar to me. I loved all the food descriptions and of the setting and of the characters and familial relationships. The romance was honestly a cherry on top because Khalid is amazing. The tension is amazing but the fantasy element in this book (and duology) is so beautifully done and I love everything Ahdieh did with this world. She truly allowed me to fall in love with the story and everything.

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

This entire cast of characters is truly an honor to read. Also, Bardugo is such a lovely writer and makes reading so effortless. I’m re-reading SoC now and having a really nice time focusing more on her words, choices, etc. I’m a character-driven reader so getting to see Kaz, Nina, Inej, Jesper, Wylan, etc. on the page was amazing. I said this when I read it the first time but this book reminds me of House M.D. & Prison Break so much and those are 2 of my fav shows so…

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

LET ME SAY THIS. I enjoyed ToG. But..that’s it. I read CoM and didn’t enjoy it. But in Throne of Glass I just loved the aura in the book and technically, this was really my first book and introduction to what fantasy really entails in YA. I really enjoyed Dorian’s character and the friendship between Celaena & Nehemia. I enjoyed the world building and again, the book did it’s job in having me fall in love with fantasy.

Falling Kingdoms (series) by Morgan Rhodes

Okay this series was just..SPECTACULAR. Again, characters are my jam and this series has a cast of characters I love. The personal growth of the main character Cleo was outstanding to read over the course of 6 books. And again, the environment created was amazing. I love love love the world that Rhodes set up and how each character lived in a very different and distinct portion of the world. (Fun Fact: I am a huge Jonas Brothers fan and the biggest contributing factor to me actually starting this series is because one of the character’s names is Jonas!!!) Do with that as you will. But please invest in this amazing series. The romance was also really really well done. I have a hard time enjoying haters-to-lovers (with a looooooooooong slow burn romance) but this series is the perfect example of how it needs to be done. LOVE IT.

Harry Potter (series) by J.K. Rowling

In 2018 I took it upon myself to actually begin reading the books, since I had only ever watched the movies (and only read the first 2 books). Now, I can actually proudly say I only have book #7 left. BUT, everyone is right when it comes to the phrase “The book is always better than the movie” because it holds true even with this series. The books have such an immersive and amazing feel. Also, the amount of details really makes it an awesome series. I will say, it isn’t the best fantasy series and is truly overhyped…the nostalgia cannot be beat. (Out of the 6 I’ve read so far..Half Blood Prince has been my fav!)

The Burning Sky by Sherry Thomas

I read this one a very long time a go so I don’t remember details but I remember I loved all that I did read. There’s a prince in this book…and magic…and the world building was awesome. And all the characters were too. Some of the setting occurs in a boarding school. (Which I looove). Honestly, solid fantasy. I haven’t finished the 3rd book in the trilogy but hopefully I can actually reread and complete this series since I enjoyed it sooo much.

Court of Fives by Kate Elliott

This book had very sultry and amazing Ancient Greek/Middle Eastern vibes (if I remember correctly) and I loved it. One of my favorite things in books is competitions and this one had that and it fit SO well. I struggled a little bit with picture everything in my head as reading and just grasping the entire story but it was super minor and still thoroughly enjoyed this fantasy book. There also were hints of a very unique magic system/fantastical elements and although I only read book #1, I do want to read book #2&3!


There you have it folks! I know I’ve only got 7 but I am going to hopefully be reading a bunch more this summer now that I’ve got time. I realize a lot of these books I’ve mentioned are well loved so that just goes to show you even more how awesome they are! I’d love to hear recs from you though so please link all your posts down below! Can’t wait to read your versions of this post.

Thanks for stopping by!


10 thoughts on “Top (Seven) Favorite Books from the Fantasy Genre

  1. anhdara13 says:

    Oh I haven’t heard of some of these! Thanks for the recommendations!

    I recently read Empire Of Sand by Tasha Suri, which was great, and The Oremere Chronicles – the third book comes out later this year – by Helen Sheuerer which was SO GOOD as well. Definitely recommend them.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. lydiaschoch says:

    I hope you get lots of reading time this summer. Honestly, that’s one of my favourite things to do on a warm, humid day when it’s too hot to run out outside. 🙂

    My TTT.

    Liked by 1 person

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